PLENT Foam Proportioner made in China, also known as PLENT inductor or eductor, working in a simple theory that introducing foam concentrate into a running waterflow at a pre-set Foam proportioning rate. PLENT Foam Proportioner is easy to operate and with less cost compared to other equipment.
PLENT Foam Proportioner is also compatible with other PLENT firefighting equipment, like foam trailer, foam monitor, etc., and suitable for most foam concentrate in application. PlENT Foam Proportioner equipped with ball check valve that prevents back flow into foam concentrate.
An 2.5Inch In Line Foam Eductor is one type of equipment that introduces foam concentrate into water stream. In this device, water enters an inlet and moves through a tapered section. Then it moves through a small orifice and into a bigger chamber to create a low-pressure area within the large chamber. A metering valve opens and the higher atmospheric pressure outside of the large chamber pushes your concentrate into the chamber. This concentrate then mixes with the water exiting from the lower pressure area, or Venturi.